Ukraine-Russia conflict
The Ukraine-Russia conflict and the (often conflicting) international sanctions have caused many novel and complex legal issues and disputes involving significant interests. OSK strictly observes EU sanctions and at the same time considers access to justice of fundamental importance. OSK’s team experience since the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict includes:
- Representation of RusChemAlliance in defense to an application by Linde for a worldwide (anti) antisuit injunction in connection with the sanctions induced termination of a multi-billion LNG project near Saint Petersburg
- Representation of Gazprom Group enitities in court proceedings defending against enforcement of a Ukrainian multi-million court judgment
- Enforcement on behalf of Russian fertiliser producer Uralkali of a USD 10 million Swiss arbitral award against Haas Formula 1 during the Dutch GP arising out of termination of a sponsorship agreement
- Respresentation of a major Russian fertilisor producer in a variety of application before the Dutch authorities to unfreeze hundreds of millions of euros
- Representation of a foreign entity on a dispute related to the impact of US and UK sanctions on the sale of one of the world’s largest luxury yachts
- Representation of UK sanctioned Russian air cargo company Volga Dnepr in court proceedings following attachment of assets in the Netherlands
- Represention of the former owner of EU santioned Russian Promsvyazbank in defense to an application to enforce Russian court judgments with an interest of approximately EUR 900 million
- Representation of a Dutch notary public in court proceedings on the intended sale of a controlling interest in the Heesen shipyard by a Russian owner